

  1. arxiv
    Hydrodynamical simulations of proton ingestion flashes in Type I X-ray Bursts
    Simon GuichandutMichael Zingale, and Andrew Cumming
    arXiv e-prints, May 2024


  1. ApJ
    The Imprint of Convection on Type I X-Ray Bursts: Pauses in Photospheric Radius Expansion Lightcurves
    Simon Guichandut, and Andrew Cumming
    The Astrophysical Journal, Aug 2023


  1. ApJ
    Expanded Atmospheres and Winds in Type I X-Ray Bursts from Accreting Neutron Stars
    Simon GuichandutAndrew Cumming, Maurizio Falanga, and 2 more authors
    The Astrophysical Journal, Jun 2021


  1. MSc Thesis
    Regimes of photospheric radius expansion driven by high luminosities in Type I X-ray bursts
    Simon Guichandut
    McGill University, Aug 2020